Through online circulars and weekly newsletters, the FRUCOM secretariat regularly informs FRUCOM members of news & regulatory developments at EU level. All circulars are available to the FRUCOM members on their dedicated Members’ Area and cover a wide range of issues. FRUCOM members have access 24/7 to both specialised circulars (according to their product(s) of interest) and horizontal circulars (which apply to all products but are more specifically related to Trade, Food Law, or Customs matters).
FRUCOM expertise covers primarily issues on Food safety, Trade and Customs controls.
Our work on EU trade policy and custom matters covers international agreements, tariffs, quotas, duties, customs classification of goods, trade defence measures (anti-dumping).
Food safety and food law subjects include import controls, food additives, contaminants, RASFF notifications, audits in third countries linked to food safety, etc.
In addition to the circulars, the FRUCOM Secretariat distributes RASFF notifications on FRUCOM products on a weekly basis, based on the official RASSF notifications posted by DG SANTE. A statistical database is also maintained throughout the year and available upon request.
Other notifications sent by the FRUCOM secretariat are the publication in the EU Official Journal of relevant pieces of EU legislation (Decisions, Regulations, and Directives), and reports on FVO missions (Food & Veterinary Office) in third countries.