All News

  • 4 NOVEMBER 2021
    EU assessment of the state of play and the progress made by the Western Balkans ...

    The Commission adopted its 2021 Enlargement Package, providing a detailed assessment of the state of play and the progress made by the Western Balkans and Turkey on their paths towards the EU. In the coming year, Albania should: complete the staffing of the veterinary service to make the service fully operational in line with tasks and functions defined by relevant regulations; establish an effective...

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  • 3 NOVEMBER 2021
    Importing and exporting organic food to Great Britain

    The Uk government has published a notice to the traders in organics. Great Britain recognises the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein as equivalent for trading in organics until 31 December 2023. Food and feed certified as organic in the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein will continue to be accepted as organic in GB until 31 December 2023. The EU has recognised the UK for the purpose of exporting...

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  • 2 NOVEMBER 2021
    EU and US reach agreement on the suspension of tariffs under Section 232 steel and aluminium dispute

    On Sunday 31 October, the European Union and the United States announced that they had reached an agreement on the suspension off tariffs under Section 232, as well as “pausing” their Steel and Aluminium dispute before the WTO. The EU intends to suspend its retaliatory tariffs against the US which were introduced in June 2018 (first rebalancing measures), and will also suspend the additional...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2021
    The European Food Safety Authority and the European Chemicals Agency are seeking...

    FRUCOM follows closely Glyphosate dossier via the publications by and/or contacts with the European Food Safety Agency, the Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection, the representatives of the manufacturers and stakeholders in the food and feed chain. Glyphosate is an herbicide that is widely used in plant protection products. Glyphosate-based plant protection products are mainly used...

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  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2024
    Green Deal challenges for Moroccan export - FRUCOM speaks at Morocco Foodex conference

    On 20 September, the international conference on the Green Deal and the new challenges for Moroccan exports to the European Union took place in Agadir. The event was organised by Morocco Foodex and opened by the agriculture ministry Mohammed Sadiki. The objective is ensuring the position of the Moroccan export offer on the European market in the context of the Geen Deal. Among the participants were...

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  • 13 SEPTEMBER 2024
    Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture – recommends ...

    On 4 September, the European Commission released the Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture. The report proposes a series of recommendations to help address the economic, social and environmental concerns of the European food and agricultural sectors. Fourteen recommendations are outlined in the report, which is addressed to the European institutions, in particular to the...

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  • 6 SEPTEMBER 2024
    Germany calls for delay of EU deforestation free regulation and publishes handout on the EUDR

    The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) of Germany as reiterated its call for the European Commission to postpone the implementation of the Regulation on Deforestation Free Products (EUDR), which is scheduled to apply on 30 December. The BMEL argues that “in order to ensure an efficient, practical and low-bureaucracy application”, it is calling for the postponement of the application...

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  • 6 SEPTEMBER 2024
    Food Labelling: Codex Alimentarius to review claims guidelines

    The next meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) on 27 October – 1 November 2024 will consider undertaking new work to revise the guidelines for the use of nutrition and health claims.  Among the potential works for the Committee are the ‘high in’ claims and sustainability claims.  Among the proposals regarding work previously considered...

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  • 2 AUGUST 2024
    European Parliament Committees elect Chairs and Vice-Chairs

    Members of the various Committees of the European Parliament held their first Committee meetings during the week beginning 22 July in order to elect the Chairs and Vice-Chairs. Of interest to FRUCOM members may be the following: Committee on International Trade Chair: Bernd Lange (S&D, DE), who was re-elected Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Chair: Antonio...

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  • 2 AUGUST 2024
    Contaminants: new MLs for treenuts and oilseeds

    The Commission published a Regulation (EU) 2024/1987 amending Regulation (EU) 2023/915 as regards maximum levels of nickel in certain foodstuffs. Nickel is a widespread component of Earth’s crust and is ubiquitous in the biosphere. Its presence in food can arise from both natural and anthropogenic sources. EFSA concluded that nickel may cause both chronic and acute effects. On...

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  • 19 JULY 2024
    EU-Türkiye High-Level Dialogue on Trade

    The European Union and Türkiye held the first meeting on a High-Level Dialogue on Trade on 8 July, with the EU represented by Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis and Türkiye represented by its Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat. This High-level Dialogue on Trade was organised to focus on addressing the remaining bilateral trade irritants. There was also...

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  • 19 JULY 2024
    Contaminants: dietary exposure to TBBPA does not raise a health concerns

    EFSA published its update of the scientific opinion on tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and its derivatives in food. TBBPA is a brominated flame retardant. The most important contributors to the chronic dietary exposure to TBBPA are fish and seafood and some other food products. Based on new data a TDI for TBBPA of 0.7 μg/kg bw per day was established. EFSA concluded with 90%–95% certainty...

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  • 12 JULY 2024
    European Parliament’s constitutive plenary session will take place on 16-19 July in Strasbourg

    Political groups of the European Parliament will prepare for the constitutive session of Parliament’s tenth legislative term, which will take place on 16-19 July in Strasbourg. The session will start with the election of the President of the Parliament. MEPs will then elect their Bureau (14 Vice-Presidents and five Quaestors) and decide on the number of MEPs and composition of each parliamentary...

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  • 5 JULY 2024
    Belgian Presidency conclusions on the future of agriculture in the EU

    The last Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of the Belgian Presidency on 24 June approved a set of presidency conclusions setting out a vision for the future of agriculture in the EU. Member States were unable to reach a consensus on the conclusions, but the presidency conclusions were supported by a wide majority of Member States. On the matter of trade, the Presidency Conclusions emphasised...

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  • 5 JULY 2024
    Decision postponed on New Genomic Techniques - Council failed to reach an agreem...

    The European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA) have released a statement on the outcome of negotiations within the Council on the European Commission’s proposal on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). The Ambassadors of the Permanent Representation of the Member States to the EU (COREPER 1) have not come to an agreement on a negotiation mandate for this proposal. Despite...

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  • 5 JULY 2024
    Official controls: adoption of conditions requiring notification of arrival in the EU

    The Commission has published Delegated regulation - C(2024)3160 after a feedback process addressed in a previous FRUCOM circular. The regulation implements the cases and conditions where competent authorities can request a notification from operators on the arrival...

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  • 28 JUNE 2024
    Update on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, legislation on packa...

    The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive received its signature by the President of the Council of the EU and the Parliament on 13 June 2024, and now awaits final publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. The EU Council published on 18 June an Information Note on the Proposals under the ordinary legislative procedure expected to undergo the Corrigendum Procedure in the...

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  • 14 JUNE 2024
    European Election results: new composition of the Parliament and session dates

    The European elections of 6 to 9 June have been concluded. Below is an estimation of the new composition of the Parliament, according to provisional results and national estimates at the date of this publication. The first plenary session will take place in Strasbourg from 16 to 19 July 2024. The numerical composition of the committees will be determined, while the nominal composition is also likely...

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  • 5 JUNE 2024
    Official controls: EU initiative regarding methods of analysis

    The EU published an initiative regarding methods of analysis for official checks as laid down in Commission Regulation No 2073/2005. This initiative establishes the analytical methods that may be used by Member State competent authorities when they check the implementation by food business operators of rules laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria...

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  • 16 MAY 2024
    Ukraine: EU Council approves renewal of Autonomous Trade Measure

    The Council of the European Union has today given its final approval to the renewal of EU’s autonomous trade measures for Ukraine and Moldova. From the Council’s press statement: The EU’s autonomous trade measures for Ukraine will apply from 6 June 2024 until 5 June 2025 and concern the continued suspension of all outstanding customs duties and quotas under Title IV of the EU-Ukraine...

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  • 16 MAY 2024
    One Health update - joint initiative of EU agencies on human, plant and animal h...

    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Environment Agency (EEA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and European Medicines Agency (EMA) published a joint framework for action to strengthen cooperation to support the implementation of the One Health agenda in the European Union (EU). One Health recognises the complex interplay between...

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  • 26 APRIL 2024
    European Parliament gives the green light to EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence obligations

    On 24th April the Parliament saw 374 MEPs vote in the Plenary session to support the compromise text of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, with 235 MEPs voting against and 19 abstaining. This follows drawn out discussions and negotiations among Member States and between Council and the Parliament, on how to frame the obligation on corporations to address their impact on human...

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  • 12 APRIL 2024
    Organics: EU initiative on updated list of recognised control authorities and control bodies

    The EU published a new initiative on imports of organic products – list of recognised control authorities and control bodies. The EU currently imports organic products that have been certified by control authorities/bodies whose standards are recognised as equivalent to rules set out in the repealed EU legislation on organics. This recognition expires on 31 December 2024. This initiative...

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  • 29 MARCH 2024
    Contaminants: monitoring recommendation for nickel

    The Commission published a Recommendation (EU) 2024/907 on the monitoring of nickel in food. Based on the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2016/1111 EFSA was able to derive that nickel may cause both chronic and acute effects. On the basis of the critical chronic effect of pregnancy loss, a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 13 μg/kg bw. However, for some foods, which are relevant contributors to...

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  • 22 MARCH 2024
    Ukraine Autonomous Trade Measure: Conclusion of trilogue negotiations and vote b...

    During the early hours of 20 March, Member States and Parliament negotiators concluded the interinstitutional negotiations on the Ukraine Autonomous Trade Measure procedure. The co-legislators agreed to maintain poultry, eggs, sugar, oats, maize, groats and honey in the list of sensitive products that will be subject to the automatic safeguard measures. However, the reference dates for triggering...

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  • 15 MARCH 2024
    Conclusion of Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation trilogue negotiations

    On Monday 4 March, the European Parliament and Council agreed on a provisional compromise text for the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal. Reuse obligations: -flexible packaging in direct contact with food is excluded from the re-use targets; On the ban of certain packaging formats: -certain single use plastic packaging formats, such as packaging for unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables,...

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  • 13 MARCH 2024
    EU Parliament puts pressure on Member States to adopt Corporate sustainability d...

    On 7 March the European Parliament issued a briefing on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive, in advance of the Strasbourg plenary session taking place between 11-14 March 2024. In the Briefing, the Parliament brings attention to the debate on 12 March that will take place on the proposed directive, and “urge the Belgian Presidency and the Commission to ensure the corporate sustainability...

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  • 16 FEBRUARY 2024
    European Parliament Committees vote on Green Claims report

    Members of the European Parliament’s Internal Market (IMCO) and Environment (ENVI) committees adopted on Wednesday 14 February their draft report on the proposed directive to substantiate green claims, with 85 votes to 2 and 14 abstentions. In their vote, the MEPs have concluded the following: -companies should submit any future environmental marketing claims for approval to accredited verifiers...

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  • 26 JANUARY 2024
    EU Parliament votes in favour of Directive revising rules on unfair commercial p...

    On 17 January the European Parliament sitting in Plenary voted with 593 votes in favour, 21 against and 14 abstentions, to support the compromise text on the EU directive on Empowering consumers for the green transition. The directive restricts the way marketing claims around environmental performance of goods can be made to consumers. It does this through:  · Prohibiting generic...

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  • 12 JANUARY 2024
    Call for feedback on protocol to fisheries agreement between the EU-São Tomé e Príncipe

    A call for feedback from stakeholders has been launched by the European Commission on the negotiation of a new Protocol to the Sustainable fisheries partnership agreement with São Tomé and Principe. The current protocol to the fisheries partnership agreement covers the period 19.12.2019 - 18.12.2024, and the fisheries agreement allows EU vessels mainly from Spain, Portugal and France...

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  • 12 JANUARY 2024
    UEMOFA event 25 January: Digitalisation of the fisheries sector and full traceab...

    EUMOFA invites you to join the upcoming Talk, which will be held online on 25 January 2024, from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (CET), on Zoom. The topic will be “Digitalisation of the fisheries sector and full traceability of fishery and aquaculture products : achievements and remaining challenges”. The main objectives of this Talk are: ·To provide an overview of the main...

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  • 4 JANUARY 2024
    Annual Meeting - Türkiye - EU Co-operation Scheme on hazelnuts

    The annual meeting of the EU - Türkiye Co-operation scheme on hazelnuts was held on December 20. The meeting addressed the hazelnut market and plant health issues. The topics discussed were:      -Review of the 2022 - 2023 campaign. -Production and price expectations for the 2023 - 2024 campaign. -Policy development in the hazelnut sector in Türkiye and in the EU. -Aflatoxin...

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  • 22 DECEMBER 2023
    Peanut Butter, processed cranberry products, and kidney beans: EU prolongs suspe...

    The European Commission has passed legislation suspending until 31 March 2025 the EU rebalancing tariffs on US products in the framework of the steel and aluminium dispute. You can find the EU announcement here. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2882 of 18 December 2023 suspending commercial policy measures...

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  • 15 DECEMBER 2023
    Regulation on the EU Fishery Products autonomous tariff quotas for the 2024–2026 period

    The Council Regulation (EU) 2023/2720 of 27 November 2023 opening and providing for the management of the Union autonomous tariff quotas for certain fishery products for the 2024–2026 period was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 6 December 2023. This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the...

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  • 30 NOVEMBER 2023
    Official Journal: scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP) extended

    On 27th November, the Regulation (EU) 2023/2663 amending Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 applying the EU scheme of generalised tariff preferences was published in the Official Journal. The application of the scheme is now extended until 31 December 2027,  to provide the time needed for the completion of the legislative procedure for the adoption of the proposed successor regulation. The Regulation...

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  • 21 NOVEMBER 2023
    EU Council adopts final text of the revision to the EU fisheries control regulation

    The EU’s Council voted in favour of the revised EU fisheries control system. The revision updates around 70% of the existing rules for controlling fishing vessels with the aim of making EU fishing more sustainable. The main changes include: · A digital system (known as “CATCH” - Integrated computerised information management system for the Catch Certification...

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  • 21 NOVEMBER 2023
    Pesticides: the Commission states it will renew glyphosate

    On 16th of November the Member States did not reach the required qualified majority to renew or reject the approval of glyphosate during a vote at the Appeal Committee. This follows a previous vote at the Standing Committee on 13 October, in which Member States did not reach the required majority to renew or reject the proposal either. In line with EU legislation and in the absence of the required...

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  • 2 NOVEMBER 2023
    Pesticides: the Environment Committee adopted its position on SUR

    The Environment Committee adopted its position on measures to ensure sustainable pesticides use and reduce the use and risk of all chemical pesticides by at least 50 % by 2030. The European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted on October 24 to adopt a position calling for a reduction in the use of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 and the use of so-called “more hazardous products”...

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  • 2 NOVEMBER 2023
    Civil Society Dialogue on the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) in su...

    The draft report of the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) in support of trade negotiations with India was published on 18 October, and the European Commission organised a Civil Society Dialogue with the SIA study team and Mr Christophe Kiener, Head of Unit – South and South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand – Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission. Documents · Read more

  • 1 NOVEMBER 2023
    Organics: changes to approved basic substances and food additives

    The Commission published an Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2229 of 25 October 2023 amending and correcting Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1165 authorising certain products and substances for use in organic production and establishing their lists. In accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, Member States have submitted dossiers on certain...

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  • 25 OCTOBER 2023
    Contaminants: The Netherlands' mineral oil action limits

    Following the EU Member State Joint Statement on MOAH in food products, the Netherlands Food and Safety Authority (NVWA) will be conducting monitoring of MOAH in various food products. When MOAH is detected in food products, the NVWA will act according to the Temporary enforcement policy, which will come into effect on 1 January 2024. Subsequently, periodic assessments will be made to determine if...

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  • 17 OCTOBER 2023
    Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture hearing on Green Claims Directive

    The European Parliament’s AGRI Committee held a hearing with Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, in charge of Circular Economy in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Environment on the Substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive). Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea began with an explanation of how the Green Claims Directive would work, together with how it would...

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  • 13 OCTOBER 2023
    Fishery products: changes to levels for nitrates

    The Commission published a Regulation (EU) 2023/2108 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 and the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards food additives nitrites (E 249-250) and nitrates (E 251-252). Potassium nitrite (E 249), sodium nitrite (E 250), sodium nitrate (E 251) and potassium nitrate (E 252) are substances authorised in accordance with Annex II of Regulation...

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  • 22 SEPTEMBER 2023
    Contaminants: EFSA opinion on mineral oil

    EFSA has published its scientific opinion on the update of the risk assessment of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food. Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) are composed of saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH). They can enter food in many ways: through environmental contamination, use of lubricants for machinery, release agents, processing aids, food or feed additives and migration...

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  • 15 SEPTEMBER 2023
    Health claims made on foods: new study

    On September 8th, the EU Parliament published an assessment on health claims made on foods. The study aims to support the work of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Public Health (SANT) on its implementation report on the EU Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods (Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006). The Commission report was published in 2020. Health claims are statements implying...

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  • 14 SEPTEMBER 2023
    European Parliament: Establishing a horizontal European climate label for products

    The European Parliament’s Think Tank has published on 5 September a study about a European climate label for products, further to the Commission’s Green Claims directive proposal. A label design is proposed that allows seamless cross-category comparison as well as the development of a roadmap. This should consider the broader context of environmental and sustainability labelling and the...

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  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2023
    UK pushes back border controls on EU goods

    The UK Government has confirmed a delay to import inspections until January next year. Sanitary and phytosanitary controls were delayed for three months and will now be introduced beginning Jan. 31, 2024. This includes health certification on imports of medium risk animal products, plants, plant products and high risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU. To give stakeholders additional...

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  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2023
    EU and US exchange on Section 232 tariff agreement - concerns peanut butter, cra...

    On 24 August, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai met with European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis on the margins of the G20 Trade and Investment Ministers’ Meeting in India.   According to the readout from this meeting, Ambassador Tai and Executive Vice President Dombrovskis reviewed U.S.-EU negotiations toward a global arrangement on sustainable steel...

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  • 24 AUGUST 2023
    Adoption of EU marketing standards: concerns dried fruit and nuts

    On 17 August, the Commission adopted the draft regulations revising the marketing standards. You will see the draft implementing and delegated regulations and their annexes below.  draft delegated reg adopted 17 Aug 2023 Read more

  • 17 AUGUST 2023
    EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) webinar presentation

    A webinar took place on 27 July, concerning the Environmental Footprint and SMEs: introduction to the methods and opportunities. The presentations can be found attached. The resource cover how the environmental footprint of your operations can be calculated, and which resources are available, and how this will link with other EU policies e.g. on CSRD, Taxonomy, and Green Claims. Presentation:...

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  • 17 AUGUST 2023
    EU Adoption of proposal European Sustainability Reporting Standards (CSRD delegated act)

    The European Commission published on 31 July 2023 its legislative proposal on Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2013/34/EU as regards sustainability reporting standards. This proposal sets the standards for companies to use in carrying out their reporting under the framework of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. EU law (CSRD) requires all large companies and all...

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  • 17 AUGUST 2023
    Fisheries management: EU and UK reach agreement

    Three agreements for better fisheries management were reached by the EU-UK Specialised Committee on Fisheries (SCF). Among the key points of the agreements: - Mechanism for voluntary transfers of fishing opportunities between the EU and UK. - Joint guidelines for notifications of management measures, e.g., on timelines for notification, standardised content of notifications. Both the EU and UK...

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  • 11 AUGUST 2023
    DG SANTE Presentation of the Legislative framework for sustainable food systems

    DG SANTE presented the state of play of the Legislative framework for sustainable food systems at the ad hoc meeting of the Advisory Group on Sustainability of Food Systems (AGSFS) which took place on 12 July. During the meeting, chaired by Alexandra Nikolakopoulou, Head of Unit of SANTE.E.1, members of the AGSFS were able to have an exchange with DG SANTE and already provide some preliminary thoughts...

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  • 10 AUGUST 2023
    Vit färsksaltad Östgötagurka – preserved Swedish gherkins application for registration of a PGI

    On 1 August 2023 an application was published in the Official Journal of the European Union for a PGI for ’Vit färsksaltad Östgötagurka' from Sweden. The application states that the defined geographical area is the province of Östergötland. According to the application, ’Vit färsksaltad Östgötagurka' is a greenhouse-grown white gherkin pickled in...

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  • 3 AUGUST 2023
    Pesticides: published EFSA conclusion for glyphosate

    EFSA published its conclusion for the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of glyphosate. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of glyphosate as a herbicide as proposed by the applicants, covering uses pre-sowing, pre-planting and pre-emergence plus post-harvest in vegetables and sugarbeet; post-emergence of weeds in orchards, vineyards, row...

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  • 28 JULY 2023
    European Parliament Committees discuss amendments to opinion on proposal for a R...

    The European Parliament Committees for International Trade (INTA) and Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) held on 18 July an exchange on the amendments tabled on the Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market. The Committees are jointly responsible for the dossier and are expected to vote on...

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  • 28 JULY 2023
    European Parliament Committees vote on proposed Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste

    The European Parliament Committees for Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) all voted on their positions for the proposed Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (PPWR) this past week. The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) voted on 18 July with 32 in favour, 3 against, and...

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  • 28 JULY 2023
    Official Journal: Regulation 2023/1471 establishing the EU list of vessels engaged in IUU fishing

    On 18 July the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1471 of 17 July 2023 amending Regulation (EU) No 468/2010 establishing the EU list of vessels engaged in illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in the Official Journal of the European Union. Regulation (EU) 2023/1471 amends the list of vessels engaged in IUU fishing, in accordance with article 30 of the EU IUU Regulation (Council Regulation...

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  • 20 JULY 2023
    invitation and hotel booking FRUCOM-CEEREAL joint in-person event, Brussels, 5-6 October 2023

    Please see below the invitation to the in-person event starting on October 5th 6.00 PM CET with cocktail and dinner and ending on October 6th 3.30 PM CET. Like in 2022, we will have 3 sessions on food safety, nutrition and communication and sustainability. We are now working on the program and will update you in the coming weeks. Please kindly register using the button below and book your hotel...

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  • 7 JULY 2023
    Spanish Presidency of the EU Council 1 July – 31 December 2023

    Spain has succeeded Sweden in the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council, which will last until the end of the year, and then be followed by Belgium (January-June 2024). The four priorities of the Spanish presidency are the EU industrial policy, and guaranteeing its open strategic autonomy, advancing in the green transition, promoting greater social and economic justice, and strengthening...

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  • 30 JUNE 2023
    Regulation on deforestation free products enters into force – 29 June

    The EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains, entered into force on 29 June, and will ensure that companies that export or place on the EU market palm oil, cattle, soy, coffee, cocoa, timber and rubber or derived products such as beef, furniture,...

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  • 30 JUNE 2023
    EU Parliament Fisheries committee votes in favour of new EU fisheries control rules

    The European Parliament’s PECH Committee voted on 27 June to approve the compromise agreement reached with Council on the future EU fisheries control rules, with 20 votes in favour and 8 against. This new fisheries control rules aim to reduce illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, by ensuring improved monitoring fisheries activities and the traceability of fish products. “According...

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  • 30 JUNE 2023
    EU-New Zealand: Council adopts the decision to sign free trade agreement

    On 27 June, the Council of the EU adopted a decision on the signature of the free trade agreement (FTA) with New Zealand. The European Union concluded negotiations for a comprehensive and ambitious trade agreement with New Zealand on 30 June 2022. On 17 February 2023, the Commission proposed to the Council to authorise the signing of the FTA. NZ fish, seafood, and honey New Zealand is a significant...

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  • 22 JUNE 2023
    New GSP Regulation: European Parliament and Council fail to reach agreement in latest negotiations

    The EU’s Parliament and Council remain in negotiations (trilogue) over the Commission’s proposed GSP Regulation which should succeed the current regulation expiring in 2023. The latest trilogue discussions were taking place on 12 June. The next trilogue meeting is scheduled towards mid to end June. The Director General of Trade, Sabine Weyand shared with trade civil society and stakeholders...

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  • 20 JUNE 2023
    Official Journal: ‘Çağlayancerit Cevizi' walnuts from Türkiye granted prote...

    On 13 June, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1151 of 6 June 2023 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (‘Çağlayancerit Cevizi’ (PDO)) was published in the Official Journal of the EU. This follows Türkiye’s application to register the name ‘Çağlayancerit Cevizi’, which...

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  • 16 JUNE 2023
    EU June agri-food trade report shows rebound of EU exports in February 2023

    The latest EU agri-food trade report published on 8 June showed that EU agri-food trade further increased its surplus by 33% month-to-month to reach €5.4 billion. Exports reached €18.6 billion in value terms, which is 10% higher than February 2022. At the same time, EU imports were at €13.3 billion, as they declined for the third month in a row. These are the main findings of the latest...

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  • 16 JUNE 2023
    Official controls: increased controls 8th review published

    The Commission published an Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1110 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002. Annex 1: •Aflatoxins: Groundnuts (Senegal) Aflatoxins: Groundnuts...

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  • 9 JUNE 2023
    EU Parliament and Council reach provisional agreement on EU fisheries control system

    On 31 May, the EU’s Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on the Fisheries Control Regulation, which sees a raft of updates measures under the Common Fisheries Policy, particularly regarding the monitoring fisheries activities and the traceability of fish products. According to the Council press release, the agreement updates around 70% of the existing rules for controlling...

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  • 26 MAY 2023
    Official Journal: ‘Nueces de Nerpio’ walnut from Spain granted protected designations of origin

    On 22 May, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/979 of 15 May 2023 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (‘Nueces de Nerpio’ (PDO)). This follows Spain’s application to register the name ‘Nueces de Nerpio’, which was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 3 February 2023 ( Read more

  • 19 MAY 2023
    European Parliament Committees publish joint draft report on forced labour import ban

    On 11 May, the first draft of the joint report on the forced labour import ban by the co-rapporteurs of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Samira Rafaela and the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Manuel Leitão-Marques was published. The objective of this proposal is to effectively prohibit the placing and making available on the...

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  • 16 MAY 2023
    Final FRUCOM Feedback on Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal

    The final draft of FRUCOM’s feedback on the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal. FRUCOM Final Feedback EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Contact:...

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  • 12 MAY 2023
    Commission: Proposal on extending duty free, quota free imports from Moldova

    On 2 May the European Commission proposed to renew and expand the suspension of import duties and quotas on Moldovan exports to the European Union – known as Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs) – for another year. This means in practice that exports of seven agricultural products from Moldova which are subject to tariff-rate quotas will now be fully liberalised: tomatoes, garlic, table grapes,...

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  • 12 MAY 2023
    OJ: EU and USA agree on all the EU’s WTO TRQs following UK’s departure from the EU

    On 5 May, the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 relating to the modification of concessions on all the tariff-rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union was published in the Official Journal of the European...

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  • 3 MAY 2023
    EU consultation on marketing standards open until 19 May

    The EU has launched a public consultation on marketing standards. The draft concerning Fresh fruit and vegetables, bananas, nuts and dried fruit – review of marketing standards with its annex is available here: Contact:...

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  • 21 APRIL 2023
    Ukraine: European Commission meets with Member States neighbouring Ukraine, new ...

    On 19 April, Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade, Valdis Dombrovskis, and Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski met with representatives of the five Member States bordering Ukraine - Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania - as well as with Ukraine. This follows the decisions over the past week by Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia to ban imports of Ukrainian grain...

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  • 21 APRIL 2023
    EU agri-food trade in 2022 - Fruit & nuts a leading import category in value terms

    The April monitoring report looks back at the year 2022 and shows that EU agri-food trade totalled €401.5 billion during the year, with a positive trade balance of €58 billion. Fruit & nuts as well as coffee, tea, cocoa, and spices remain the 2nd and 3rd top agri-food categories imported into the EU in value terms, which increased significantly vis-à-vis 2021 while volumes remained...

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  • 7 APRIL 2023
    Pesticides: coordinated multiannual control programme of pesticides

    The Commission published an Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/731 concerning a coordinated multiannual control programme of the Union for 2024, 2025 and 2026 to ensure compliance with maximum residue levels of pesticides and to assess the consumer exposure to pesticide residues in and on food of plant and animal origin and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/741. 1. The lot to be sampled shall...

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  • 24 MARCH 2023
    EU Green Claims: proposal to regulate private and national environmental labelling schemes

    The European Commission published its long awaited proposed Directive on Green Claims on 22 March. This landmark legislation seeks to address the issue of greenwashing, and forms part of the EU Green Deal package to empower consumers in relation to making choices that are informed by environmental considerations. As part of the ordinary legislative procedure, the Green Claims Directive proposal will...

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  • 17 MARCH 2023
    Contaminants: mineral oil consultation

    The EFSA's Unit on Feed and Contaminants has launched a public consultation on the draft scientific opinion on the update of the risk assessment of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food. This document presents a re-evaluation of the toxicity of mineral oil hydrocarbons, the assessment of dietary exposure of European citizens and, based on these, the assessment of the health risks to the EU population, link:...

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  • 1 MARCH 2023
    ‘Çağlayancerit Cevizi' walnuts from Türkiye: application for registration of a PDO

    On 22 February an application was published in the Official Journal of the European Union for a PDO for the ‘Çağlayancerit Cevizi' from Turkey. The application states that the defined geographical area  for Çağlayancerit Cevizi is the area around Çağlayancerit Central District. According to the application, Çağlayancerit Cevizi is a walnut in medium size,...

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  • 1 MARCH 2023
    EU Public consultation on the renewal of the temporary full market access for Ukraine

    The European Commission opened a public consultation on the Commission proposal for the renewal of temporary trade liberalisation measures applicable to Ukrainian products (ATM). Feedback can be given between 27 February 2023 and 25 April 2023, and the eight-week feedback period will be extended every day until this adopted proposal is available in all EU languages. All stakeholder can provide feedback...

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  • 16 FEBRUARY 2023
    Earthquake in Türkiye: OFI and EIB initiatives to provide your support

    We would like to express our deepest sympathy for the people affected by the earthquake in Türkiye. If you want to provide your support, please find below two initiatives from two of our members.   - OFI initiative in support of the thousands of seasonal agricultural workers and their families who live in the southeast region, to...

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  • 15 FEBRUARY 2023
    EU initiative: food hygiene – products of animal origin

    The EU published its new initiative regarding food hygiene – products of animal origin (updated rules). Food hygiene rules for products of animal origin (Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004) need to be updated in light of experience gained in the practical application of the rules and new scientific advice. Accordingly, amendments will concern identification marking, including...

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  • 3 FEBRUARY 2023
    Official controls: rules on the temporary increase of official controls figs fro...

    The Commission published an implementing regulation (EU) 2023/174 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 lays down rules on the temporary...

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  • 27 JANUARY 2023

    FRUCOM has prepared a Q&A accessible to members on the draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste presented by the EU Commission on 30 November.  The proposal includes obligations for importers, manufacturers, and distributors. Some highlights: - Recyclability of packaging - Increase of recycled content in plastic...

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  • 27 JANUARY 2023
    EU joins a coalition to use trade policy to address climate change

    On 19 January, the European Commission, EU Member States, and 26 partner countries launched “The Coalition of Trade Ministers on Climate”, which according to DG TRADE is the first Ministerial-level global forum dedicated to trade and climate and sustainable development issues. Specifically, the Coalition aims to help with the identification of ways in which trade policy can contribute...

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  • 20 JANUARY 2023
    Packaging and Packaging Waste Proposal: Commission extends deadline for feedback

    The European Commission presented on 30 November, the draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904, and repealing Directive 94/62/EC. A feedback period on the proposal was opened on 01 December 2022 and has now been extended to 13 March 2023 and will continue to be extended every day...

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  • 20 JANUARY 2023
    Agreement signed by US and EU on WTO tariff rate quotas requiring post-Brexit ap...

    The office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced on January 17 2023 that the US and EU have signed a U.S. – EU Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Agreement. The Agreement comes subsequent to the UK departure from the EU, whereupon the EU28 WTO quotas would need to be...

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  • 20 JANUARY 2023
    Official Journal: ‘Châtaigne des Cévennes’ chestnuts from France granted p...

    On 16 January, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/107 of 9 January 2023 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (‘Châtaigne des Cévennes’ (PDO)) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. This follows France’s application to register the name ‘Châtaigne des Cévennes’,...

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  • 13 JANUARY 2023
    Save the Date: 14 March - Next FRUCOM Sustainability Working Group Meeting on Living Wage

    The next meeting of the FRUCOM Sustainability Working Group Meeting will take place on Tuesday 14 March, online, from 4.30-6.00 PM CET. It will discuss the Living Wage and Living Incomes in Complex supply chains. Further information will be shared in due course. Contact: Lebo Mofolo,

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  • 17 DECEMBER 2022
    EU political agreement reached on EU driven deforestation and forest degradation

    On 6 December a political agreement between the EU Parliament and Council on the EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains was announced. The Regulation will see all relevant companies having to conduct strict due diligence if they place on the EU market, or export from it: palm oil, cattle, soy, coffee, cocoa,...

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  • 9 DECEMBER 2022
    Pesticides: Glyphosate extended until 12/2023

    The Commission published an Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2364 of 2 December 2022 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval period of the active substance glyphosate. On 10 May 2022 EFSA and the European Chemicals Agency (‘ECHA’) informed the Commission that the adoption of the conclusion on the peer review of the risk assessment...

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  • 1 DECEMBER 2022
    EU Council approves corporate sustainability reporting directive

    The Council of the European Union has given its final approval to the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD). This follows the adoption of the CSRD by the plenary of the European Parliament on 10 November, with 525 votes in favour, 60 votes against and 28 abstentions. Companies inside and outside of the EU will soon be required to publish detailed information on sustainability matters,...

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  • 1 DECEMBER 2022
    EU School Fruit, Vegetables and Milk Scheme: evaluation and way forward

    On 24th November, the conference ‘An EU School Scheme fit for the future’ on the EU fruit, vegetables and milk scheme took place in Brussels.   A consultation on the review of the scheme was launched in July.    Some highlights of the recent external evaluation support study on the EU school scheme were presented. The study evaluated the scheme over a period of 4 school...

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  • 28 NOVEMBER 2022
    WTO: USA criticizes EU's MRL changes

    The United States again raised concerns with the European Union's trade-restrictive processes for reducing maximum residue levels for plant protection products. The USA answers to the European Union MRLs and pesticide policies – specific trade concern 448: EU MRLs for alpha-cypermethrin, buprofezin, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, diflubenzuron, ethoxysulfuron, glufosinate,...

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  • 25 NOVEMBER 2022
    NUTS 2022 conference: present and future of health research on nuts and dried fruits

    The NUTS 2022 conference took place on October 20-21 in Barcelona. World's leading researchers in the field of nutrition research on nuts and dried fruits gathered to discuss the latest evidence related to the health benefits of nuts and dried fruits and future prospects.   The scientific evidence associating nut and dried fruit consumption with health benefits (e.g., on cardiovascular health,...

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  • 8 NOVEMBER 2022
    New FRUCOM webpage on Nutrition

    The new FRUCOM page dedicated to nutrition is online. The new section of FRUCOM website will present all FRUCOM work around nutrition. The page will give the possibility to download the public presentations of the past Nutrition and Communication Working Groups, the replies to public consultation about nutrition, and the visual contents from FRUCOM LinkedIn...

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  • 4 NOVEMBER 2022
    Stakeholder Workshop on the Sustainable EU Food System Initiative

    FRUCOM participated in the Stakeholder Workshop on the Sustainable EU Food System Initiative (dedicated to Economic Operators on 18 October, which was purported to focus on Trade, transport and logistics, wholesale, and retail, food services, and financial services providers). It was the last of the seven workshops organised under the stakeholder outreach by the contractors. Following a presentation...

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  • 26 OCTOBER 2022
    EU initiative: Organic production – updated list on authorised products & substances

    The Commission launched an initiative on organic production – authorised products & substances (updated list).According to EU rules on organic farming, producers can only use substances and products that respect natural systems and cycles, and protect and improve the state of soil, water and air, and plant and animal health. The Commission has established a list of authorised products...

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  • 26 OCTOBER 2022
    Commission work programme 2023: food waste, sustainable food systems

    Every year the European Commission adopts its work programme to set out its key initiatives for the year ahead, which are communicated to the public. The Commission work programme for 2023 was published on 18 October, with a number of new legislative initiatives concerning food and agriculture, and trade, with a focus on sustainability. These include: Waste reduction Revision of food waste and...

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  • 11 OCTOBER 2022
    FRUCOM participates in the VII conference on almonds and hazelnuts organised by Almendrave

    FRUCOM participates in the VII conference on almonds and hazelnuts organised by Almendrave This conference took place on 3rd October in Madrid in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Almendrave. Speakers and topics included: ·Ms. Goretti Guasch, Executive Director at INC and Mr. Juan Francisco Martínez, Director General Trade Policy, Ministry of Trade ·Ms. Fabienne Monning,...

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  • 7 OCTOBER 2022
    FRUCOM article on the role of dried fruit and nuts in product reformulation

    The final version of the article drafted by Ms. Martina Zurli, Nutrition and Communication Advisor for FRUCOM, is available here: Dried fruit and nuts shaping the nutrition of the future The articles explains how dried fruit and nuts can have a role in positive nutrition and product...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2022
    2022 Eurobarometer on Food Safety

    EFSA published its 2022 Eurobarometer on Food Safety in the EU. This Special Eurobarometer, commissioned by EFSA, examines Europeans’ perceptions of and attitudes towards food safety and provides insights in terms of: Europeans’ interest in food safety-related topics and factors affecting food-related decisions; Awareness of and main concerns about food safety topics, as well as attitudes...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2022
    EU report on the imports of organic agri-food products

    DG AGRI published a report on EU organic imports, whose volumes were up by 2.8% in 2021. Total imports of organic agri-food products in the EU have increased from 2.79 million t in 2020 to 2.87 million t in 2021 (+2.8%). Data on imports from the UK are, however, not available for 2020 as it was de facto an EU Member State during the transition period following its departure from the EU on 31 January...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2022
    Official Journal: European Court of Auditors special report on EU action to combat IUU fishing

    The Special report 20/2022 ‘EU action to combat illegal fishing – Control systems in place but weakened by uneven checks and sanctions by Member States’ by the European Court of Auditors was published in the Official Journal on 27.9.2022 . According to this report, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing controls involve Member States checking fishing activity by their flagged...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2022
    Food safety – recycled plastic in food packaging

    The EU has published for information the initiative on Food safety – recycled plastic in food packaging (updated rules). This initiative was adopted on 15 September 2022. All materials used with food must be safe and contain no toxic contaminants. EU rules require individual authorisations for plastic recycling processes. This amendment sets out: transitional provisions, provisions for...

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  • 6 OCTOBER 2022
    UK delay on new rules on food labelling for consumers and for organics

    The UK Government communicated on 20 September 2022 that it would delay until 1 January 2024, the application of its new rules on labelling for consumers and labelling for organics. In terms of the changes to rules on food labelling for consumers, operators are expected to make any required labelling changes for goods sold in Great Britain by 31 December 2023. These were expected to come into effect...

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  • 13 SEPTEMBER 2022
    Nutri score: algorithm update for solid foods including nuts, seeds and fatty fish

    The international Scientific Committee of the Nutri-Score published a first report concerning the recommended update to the Nutri-score algorithm. Those changes were approved by the steering committee and will therefore be part of the new version of the Nutri-Score allowing a better discrimination for fatty fish and nuts, correction of some limitations and a better alignment between the classifications...

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  • 9 SEPTEMBER 2022
    Agri-Food Chain Sustainability Roundtable: meeting on PEF, PEFCR and sustainability labelling

    The main agenda point was a discussion on the PEF and PEFCR (PEF product category rules), and setting up a sustainability labelling exchange with retailers. Among the members of the roundtable, the views on the Sustainable EU food system initiative consultation were aligned, particularly in relation to: -the need to ensure a harmonised approach, particularly in relation to labelling and standards, -not...

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  • 6 SEPTEMBER 2022
    Chilean prunes production: a new sustainability standard

    The producers and processors of prunes in Chile, under the Association of Processors and Exporters of Prunes of Chile (Chileprunes), are developing a sustainability standard for the prunes sector. The project is led by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and supported by the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA), an agency of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture. The...

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  • 6 SEPTEMBER 2022
    Contaminants: recommendation on the monitoring of mercury in fish, crustaceans and molluscs

    The Commission published a recommendation (EU) 2022/1342 on the monitoring of mercury in fish, crustaceans and molluscs. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 sets maximum levels for mercury in muscle meat of fish, crustaceans, bivalve molluscs and food supplements. As recent occurrence data showed that there was a margin to lower the maximum levels for mercury in various fish species, the maximum...

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  • 31 AUGUST 2022
    ‘Nuez de Pedroso’ walnut: application for registration of a PDO

    On 25 August, an application was published in the Official Journal of the European Union for a PDO for the ‘Nuez de Pedroso’ from Spain. The application states that the defined geographical area is continuous and homogeneous, covering a total area of 1 163 km2 and including 38 municipalities belonging to the Autonomous Community of Rioja. According to the application, ‘Nuez de Pedroso’...

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  • 31 AUGUST 2022
    FRUCOM visit to the Izmir region

    The FRUCOM team is visiting the Izmir region, with the aim of studying the practical aspects of grape and fig growing, processing and trade, as well as meeting our members. We wish to thank very much the organisers for their hospitality. The FRUCOM team

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  • 19 AUGUST 2022
    Update to EU listing of 3rd countries for seafood import into the EU

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1389 of 2 August 2022 amending and correcting Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/405 as regards the lists of third countries or regions thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of certain fishery products was published in the Official Journal: The...

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  • 19 AUGUST 2022
    New MLs for ochratoxin A (OTA)

    The Commission published the Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1370 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of ochratoxin A in certain foodstuffs. Ochratoxin A is a mycotoxin naturally produced by fungi of the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium and is found as a contaminant in a wide variety of foods, such as cereals and cereal products, coffee beans, dried fruits, wine and grape...

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  • 19 AUGUST 2022
    Draft agendas and hotel reservation FRUCOM in-person dinner and meetings 13-14 O...

    In consultation with the FRUCOM President Mr. Olivier Hottlet, further to the doodle consultation and SAVE THE DATE, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FRUCOM in-person events. The venue: The entire event will be held at the Thon hotel EU, rue de la Loi 75. 13th October 6.00 PM CET - cocktail 7.00 PM CET - dinner 14th October 9.30-11.00 AM - Dried Fruit and Nuts Working Group (draft...

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  • 8 AUGUST 2022
    FRUCOM final reply to the EU consultation on a Sustainable EU food system initiative

    FRUCOM's reply to the questionnaire and position paper about the EU consultation on a sustainable EU food system initiative have been submitted to the EU Commission consultation page and directly to the EU officials. The main points of FRUCOM's position were the following:  All definitions used must be clear, logical, and convincing. The methodologies developed or...

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  • 8 AUGUST 2022
    FRUCOM final reply to the EU consultation on the Review of the EU school fruit, ...

    FRUCOM's reply to the questionnaire and position paper about the EU consultation on the review of the EU school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme have been submitted to the EU Commission consultation page and directly to the EU officials. The main points of FRUCOM's position were the following: FRUCOM fully supports the EU school scheme as a tool to promote healthy habits among the younger...

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  • 22 JULY 2022
    Chestnuts “Castagna di Roccamonfina” PGI application

    On 1 July, the application for the registration of ‘Castagna di Roccamonfina’ as a Protected Geographical Indication was published in the Official Journal. ‘Castagna di Roccamonfina’ is reserved for fruit (chestnuts) belonging to the cultivar Primitiva (or Tempestiva), Napoletana (or Riccia, or Riccia Napoletana), Mercogliana (or Marrone), Paccuta and Lucente (or Lucida) cultivars...

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  • 14 JULY 2022
    EFSA plant health newsletter on horizon scanning, information on pests for hazelnuts and walnuts

    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its new Plant Health Newsletter on Horizon Scanning. The newsletter gathers together published articles and updates on plant pests that have been identified as potential threats to crops, forests and parks in the European Union. The newsletter is produced in cooperation with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and EU Member...

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  • 13 JULY 2022
    The future of nutrition in a nutshell: presentation by Martina Zurli

    FRUCOM Nutrition and Communication Advisor Martina Zurli attended a conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Health Management. The theme was 'Modification of Life Style by Innovation in Nutrition & Health'. The focus of the presentation was the health benefits of nuts and the role they could play in the nutrition of the future. The presentation can be found here: Contact:...

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  • 8 JULY 2022
    FRUCOM visits Interra farm - use of pesticides and precision farming technologies

    On 1st July FRUCOM attended the Interra farm visit organized by Syngenta. On the farm the visitors were shown first-hand how farmers are trying to achieve more sustainable productive agriculture and good environmental stewardship in practice. The farm tour included new information on precision farming technologies and their zero impact ambition, including new techniques on boom sprayers for more precise...

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  • 7 JULY 2022
    UK Food Standard Agency annual report on food standards: most failures are assoc...

    The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) have published Our Food: An annual review of food standards across the UK. It is the first in a series of reports due to be published annually. The report describes the key changes in food standards from 2019 to 2021, a period when the UK’s food system was affected by Brexit and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The evidence...

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  • 7 JULY 2022
    Latest EU monthly agri-food trade report: EU trade balance remains positive

    The latest EU agri-food trade report was published on 28 June, and covers developments until March 2022. The report has a special focus on the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine for agri-food trade in March 2022.   The import growth for the fruit and nuts category in March 2022 was led by the substantial increase in apples and pears imports (+226% in value).   EU sunflower seeds...

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  • 1 JULY 2022
    Official Journal: ‘Giresun Tombul Fındığı’ (PDO) – hazelnut from Turke...

    On 20 June, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/939 of 13 June 2022 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (‘Giresun Tombul Fındığı’ (PDO)) was published in the Official Journal.   This follows Turkey’s application to register the name ‘Giresun Tombul Fındığı’, which was published...

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  • 23 JUNE 2022
    Monitoring EU agri-food trade report: positive trade balance for preparations of...

    The latest EU agri-food trade report covers developments until February 2022. Notable highlights are:   -The total value of EU agri-food trade was 28.3 billion in February 2022, an 18% increase compared to the same month last year.   -Exports rose by 11% to 16.6 billion, while imports grew by 30% to reach 11.7 billion, reflecting a trade balance of 4.9 billion. This marks an increase...

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  • 3 JUNE 2022
    EU Green Deal Webinar: A Virtual Discussion on the EU Farm to Fork Strategy Effe...

    On 8 June 2022, a webinar on the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy and its effects on EU-Turkey Agricultural Relations will be held by the Turkish Ministry of Trade.   The webinar will start with the opening speech of the Deputy Trade Minister of Turkey, Mr. Mustafa Tuzcu. Among the speakers, there will be EU Commission members, representatives of EU and Turkey private sector umbrella organizations,...

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  • 2 JUNE 2022
    Advances in Fig Research and Sustainable Production - a book by Moshe A Flaishman and Uygun Aksoy

    The non-profit intergovernmental organization CABI published the book “Advances in Fig Research and Sustainable Production”. The book, available from June 2022, is edited by Moshe A Flaishman and Uygun Aksoy. It contains 29 chapters written by international experts, with section on History, Biology and Orchard Management, Fruit Ripening and Postharvest Management, Pests and Diseases, Omics...

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  • 30 MAY 2022
    FRUCOM attends the Annual General Meeting of The Nut and Dried Fruit Association

    On 20th May, FRUCOM participated in the Annual General Meeting of The Nut and Dried Fruit Association (NDFTA). The meeting was attended by over 50 delegates, NDFTA members were also present. The Meeting allowed participants to discuss in further detail their common issues. It was also an opportunity to update delegates on FRUCOM work and the state of play of issues such as food safety, different projects,...

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  • 23 MAY 2022
    EU Consultation: possibility to include nuts and nut-based drinks in the EU scho...

    The EU Commission has started a public consultation on the review of the EU school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme as a part of the Farm to Fork Strategy. The scheme has been applicable since 2017 and has supported the distribution of fruit, vegetables, milk and milk products to schoolchildren and educational activities to encourage the adoption of healthy habits.   The consultation is in...

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  • 20 MAY 2022
    Freshfel event: discussion on Farm-to-Fork: pesticides, new genomic techniques, ...

    On 18 May FRUCOM attended the annual Freshfel event. Mr. Franc Bogovic, the member of the Parliament’ Committee on Agriculture, highlighted his institution’s position on F2F: while it agreed with the Commission’s proposal, it refused to include specific target levels on pesticide or fertilizers’ reduction. A farmer himself and a former Minister for agriculture in Slovenia,...

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  • 9 MAY 2022
    Highlights of the International Peanut Forum 2022

    On 27-29 of April we participated in International Peanut Forum (IPF) 2022. IPF provides an opportunity to learn from farmers, shellers, exporters, brokers, dealers, manufacturers and service suppliers from around the world. The IPF theme for 2022 is 'From Inspiration to Innovation' with the conference program covering key areas of interest to all segments of the peanut supply chain, including research...

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  • 3 MAY 2022
    FRUCOM visit to Raisins SA

    On 13 April, FRUCOM’s Lebo Mofolo (trade and sustainability advisor), undertook a day visit to the facilities of Raisins SA in Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa. Raisins in South Africa are primarily grown in the Northern Cape region, along the Orange River valley of which compromises 90% and the Olifants river 10% in the Western Cape. The climate and location mean that the raisins are naturally...

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  • 28 APRIL 2022
    EFSA Scientific Opinion on nutrient profiling, includes nuts and seeds

    On 19 April, EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) published its scientific advice on nutrient profiling for harmonised mandatory front‐of‐pack nutrition labelling and on the setting of nutrient profiles. A public consultation was launched on 15 November (see previous FRUCOM communication).   The...

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  • 13 APRIL 2022
    European Union Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries discuss EU food security, ...

    A meeting of the EU’s Council of Agriculture and Fisheries ministers on 7 April discussed the Commission communication on safeguarding food security, which was published on 23 March 2022. The Ministers considered the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security, highlighting the importance of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in ensuring that EU food security is maintained. A key aspect...

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  • 8 APRIL 2022
    Launch of a roundtable on sustainability

    FRUCOM has contacted several food and drink associations to invite them to jointly set up an informal exchange platform on sustainability. Participating organisations at the moment: Freshfel, Profel (processed fruit and vegetables industry), EU Snack Association, Fefac (feed compounders). Discussion is ongoing with Copa-Cogeca and FoodDrinkEurope. The participants have identified some other associations...

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  • 5 APRIL 2022
    Pesticides in food: new EFSA report published

    EFSA’s latest annual report on pesticide residues in food covers more than 88,000 food samples collected in the European Union in 2020.The EU MACP covers the most consumed food products by EU citizens as indicated in the EU MACP Regulation (EU) 2019/533 and sampled randomly. The listed food products are distributed across a 3-year cycle, so that every 3 years the same products are analysed. A...

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  • 29 MARCH 2022
    Discussion with the special representative for Australian Agriculture

    FRUCOM was invited to a working lunch with the Australian official representatives. Among issues raised: the EU Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork and sustainability commitments by the Australian government and the food chain, progress on the EU-Australia Free Trade Agreement, the EU food safety norms, in particular in relation to pesticides and import controls on foods of non-animal origin. Mrs Caroline...

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  • 23 MARCH 2022
    European Parliament Trade Committee meeting: exchange on the Corporate Sustainab...

    The European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade held its meeting on 21-22 March. On the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive proposal of February 2022, the following was noted from members of the European Parliament: -Commission is preparing a proposal on restricting products made from forced labour legislative (market restriction) before September 2022. Ms...

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  • 17 MARCH 2022
    FRUCOM final reply to the EU consultation on front-of-pack nutrition label, orig...

    This final reply was adopted at the meeting of the FRUCOM Working Group on nutrition and communication. The position paper covers front-of-pack nutrition label, comments on nutri-score, nutrient profiles, origin labelling and date marking. They have been submitted to the EU Commission consultation page and directly to the EU officials. To download the text of the position paper: FRUCOM...

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  • 11 MARCH 2022
    9th Expo Ciruelas Secas - trends and market potential, innovation and technology

    The 9th edition of Expo Ciruelas Secas organised by The Association of Prunes Processors and Exporters of Chile will be held on 22nd March 2022 from 8.00 to 14.00 hrs (CLT). The event will gather experts both from world of prunes production and export and will be broadcasted virtually. Among the topics of the meeting, new trends, market potential and technological applications in the prunes sector.   Please...

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  • 4 MARCH 2022
    Stakeholder forum on acrylamide-possible new benchmark levels and maximum levels

    On 24rd February FRUCOM participated in a stakeholder forum on acrylamide. According to the Commission, the issues for discussion are: ·The establishment of new possible benchmark and maximum levels for foodstuffs This stakeholder forum included participants from the European Commission, the Member States, industry and other members of the food supply chain. Food safety is number one priority...

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  • 1 MARCH 2022
    European Commission: Proposal for a Directive on supply chain due diligence

    On 23rd February, the European Commission has published its much anticipated Proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence.   Under the proposed directive, the Commission would proposed due diligence rules and obligations that would apply to the three groups of companies (large EU companies – Group 1; smaller EU companies in high impact sectors – Group 2; and...

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  • 24 FEBRUARY 2022
    Plant-based diet for health and environment - review by WHO

    WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) published a factsheet reviewing the evidence of the impact of plant-based diet on health and environment.   As part of a healthy lifestyle, a diet that is predominantly plant-based and low in...

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  • 23 FEBRUARY 2022
    Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 21 February 2022 discussing on sustainable foods systems

    EU Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers gathered in Brussels on 21.02.2022 for the second Council meeting under the French Presidency. The target of the meeting was to exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the European Green Deal and the CAPi in order to support the transition to sustainable foods systems. Sustainability will be featured more prominently when it comes to setting...

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  • 17 FEBRUARY 2022
    Farm to Fork: new possible rules for micro-organisms used in plant protection products

    On 10.02.2022 the Member States endorsed four legal acts which will simplify the process of approval and authorisation of biological plant protection products which contain micro-organisms. The objective is to provide farmers with tools to substitute chemical plant protection products. Micro-organisms are bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. This is seen as sustainable solutions to protect crops...

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  • 15 FEBRUARY 2022
    Trade and Sustainable Development study published by the European Commission

    On 10 February, the European Commission published the study on a comparative analysis of trade and sustainable development instruments in trade agreements from around the world. The study was carried out by the London School of Economics, and is part of the EU’s review into its own 15-Point Action Plan document on Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD). As part of this process, the European...

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  • 10 FEBRUARY 2022
    Monitoring EU agri-food trade: developments until October 2021, big decreases in...

    The latest EU agri-food trade report was published on 4 February, covering the period January-October 2021. EU 27 agri-food trade (imports and exports) during this period totalled €268.1 billion, a 6% increase compared to the corresponding period in 2020.   The biggest increase in EU trade with third countries concerned the US, which grew by €2.4 billion or 7%. Exports to the United...

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  • 1 FEBRUARY 2022

    Sabine Weyand, the Director-General of the Directorate General for Trade at the European Commission gave a briefing to the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) on 25 January 2022, addressing the position of the Commission on upcoming legislation on sustainable corporate governance (supply chain due diligence obligation) and forced labour.   Commission has noted...

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  • 1 FEBRUARY 2022

    On 25 January, a Civil Society Dialogue meeting on EU Trade Policy (including MC12 update), was held with the Director-General for Trade, Sabine Weyand.   Sabine Weyand’s takeaways in terms of the trade and policy developments of the past 12 months:   ·Pandemic disruption to supply chains and resilience, and realignment of supply chains (just in time to just in case); ·Pronounced...

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  • 25 JANUARY 2022
    Study on agri-food imports and their role in the EU supply chains, including dried fruits and nuts

    On 20 January, the European Commission published a study on the role of agri-food imports and their impacts on EU supply chains. The study, by contractors Ecorys and Wageningen University Research, provides an analysis on the impact of agri-food imports on EU agricultural production and on other parts of the agri-food value chain, including the economic, social and environmental implications. It covers...

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  • 19 JANUARY 2022
    The EU removes the authorisation to use titanium dioxide (E 171) in foods

    The Commission has published regulation (EU) 2022/63 amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 as regards the food additive titanium dioxide (E 171). In light of the conclusion of the 2021 the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) opinion about the safety of titanium dioxide (E 171) when used as a food additive, it is appropriate to remove the authorisation...

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  • 19 JANUARY 2022
    Sustainability, food labelling, healthy lifestyle promotion: Conference on the Future of Europe

    On 7-9 January, the Panel “Climate change, environment / Health” had a meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Citizens panels are components of the Conference on the Future of Europe, that gives European citizens the opportunity to debate on Europe’s priorities and put forward their proposals. The Conference is placed under the authority of the three institutions, represented by the President...

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  • 11 JANUARY 2022
    Programme of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    As France took over the rotating presidency of the European Council, it presented its programme for the next six months. On trade, the programme of France includes a focus on: -Enhanced EU trade strategy under the “An Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy” -WTO reform -Ensuring that trade policy imperatives take better account of sustainable development and the achievement of...

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  • 11 JANUARY 2022
    Bisphenol A (BPA): EFSA's draft opinion on new tolerable daily intake (TDI) open for comments

    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has re-evaluated the risks of bisphenol A (BPA) in food and proposes to considerably lower the tolerable daily intake (TDI) compared to its previous assessment in 2015. The TDI is an estimate of the amount of a substance (expressed on a kilogram body weight basis) that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable risk. In its 2015 risk assessment...

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  • 4 JANUARY 2022
    Canned food: convenient, sustainable and nutritious - an article by Jennette Higgs

    FRUCOM asked Jennette Higgs, Registered Nutritionist and Dietitian from Food to Fit Ltd., to produce an article about the advantages of including canned products in our diet. Link to the article:  Nutritional health benefits of canned food...

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  • 23 DECEMBER 2021
    Nutrient profiles and labelling: EU Commission’s new public consultations

    On December 13th, the EU Commission launched two public consultations as follow up of the F2F strategy. The initiatives focus on ‘nutrient profiles’, (namely thresholds for certain nutrients such as fats, sugars and/or salt to regulate the use of health claims) and on the revision of rules on labelling information, i.e., product origin, front-of-pack nutrition labelling, and date marking. The...

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  • 21 DECEMBER 2021
    Sustainable water management: FRUCOM Sustainability Working Group Meeting, 12th January

    Next FRUCOM Sustainability Working Group meeting will be held on January 12th from 16.30-18.30 CET. It will focus on sustainable water management and water footprint for FRUCOM products. Confirmed speakers: Joan Girona (PhD), Senior Researcher at...

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  • 17 DECEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM’s products in the kitchen – Wholewheat spaghetti with canned sardines...

    Inspired by the famous Sicilian recipe pasta con le sarde, this pasta dish combines canned sardines, and canned tomatoes, raisins and pine nuts, for a balanced, nutritious yet cheap meal. Get plenty of nutritional benefits using only a few ingredients: canned sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamins D, canned tomatoes are high in fiber and source of and vitamin C, raisins are...

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  • 13 DECEMBER 2021
    Online Dried Fruit Meeting - 15 December

    The Dried Fruit Meeting about the developments and latest trends in the Turkish and German Dried Fruit Market and Industry will be held on December 15th 2021 from 2 to 3.15 pm CET. The meeting will be moderated by Anna Boulova, FRUCOM's Secretary general. The complete programme of the meeting is available here:  Read more

  • 7 DECEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM activities: factory visit and meetings

    On 23rd November, the FRUCOM representatives Ms. Anna Boulova and Ms. Katri Saari visited FRUCOM and Almendrave member Importaco in Valencia. This visit included a tour of the Technology Centre, meetings on quality and food safety, integrated agriculture, sustainability and communication, as well as the factory tour. We would like to thank very much our hosts for the fruitful discussion and hospitality. Contact:...

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  • 7 DECEMBER 2021
    Public Consultation: Food safety – recycled plastic in food packaging (updated rules)

    The European Commission has published a public consultation on a Draft Regulation on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 282/2008. The Feedback period runs from 06 December 2021 - 03 January 2022 (midnight Brussels time) The Commission plans to adopt the regulation during Q1 of 2022 The Draft Regulation lays down rules...

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  • 30 NOVEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM’s products in the kitchen – Vegan asparagus quiche

    This is a vegan version of the classic French recipe of quiche. So simple and easy to prepare with a few ingredients you probably already have in your fridge and pantry. Enriched of vitamins K, A and C by canned asparagus, this is a good way of introducing vegetables in your daily diet. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, its absorption is optimal when eaten with fats, here provided by cashews. This...

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  • 23 NOVEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM products in the kitchen - Ashura, a Turkish dessert

    Described as one of the oldest dessert in the world, Ashura is a traditional Turkish recipe, which is vegan and can easily be made gluten free using gluten free grains such as oat, amaranth, quinoa or buckwheat. With plenty of nutritious ingredients such as hazelnuts, high in vitamin E, dried apricots and raisins high in potassium, it is perfect as a rich dessert but also for a energetic breakfast...

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  • 23 NOVEMBER 2021
    Nutrient profiles: EFSA's new public consultation

    On November 15th , EFSA launched a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on harmonised mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling, nutrient profiles and health claims on foods. The opinion also includes scientific considerations regarding food groups whose consumption is encouraged by dietary guidelines in Member States. Among these groups,  are starchy foods, fruits and vegetables,...

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  • 23 NOVEMBER 2021
    Deforestation: FRUCOM products not included in final Commission legislative prop...

    The European Commission published on 17 November its legislative proposal on deforestation-free products ( Regulation to minimise EU-driven deforestation and forest degradation) The regulation initially targets the following six commodities: beef, wood, palm oil, soya, coffee and cocoa. Some...

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  • 16 NOVEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM products in the kitchen - Bulgur salad with zucchini, mint, mackerel and pistachios

    Pistachios in a savoury recipe? Why not! This is a perfect way to include nuts in our daily diet. Incredibly easy, tasty and nutritious at the same time, this salad can be prepared in advance, and it is a balanced and complete meal. The combination of the nutritional benefits of pistachios, high in monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium and fibres, and mackerel, high in omega 3 fatty acids, with the...

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  • 16 NOVEMBER 2021
    The EU proposes contingency plan for food supply and food security

    The EU intends to step up coordination at European level to ensure citizens do not face food shortages during crises. The COVID-19 crisis has shown the resilience of the agricultural, fisheries, aquaculture, and food sectors, avoiding that the health crisis also resulted in a food security crisis. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), for instance, provided tools...

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  • 16 NOVEMBER 2021
    FRUCOM/SACAR selected for the EU advisory group on the EU-UK Trade Agreement

    The EU Commission, DG Trade received around 90 applications for this new domestic advisory group, DAG. They have now been split into six sectors: Industry, General business federations, Agriculture, Processed Agricultural Products (PAP), Transport and Services. ·There is one EU DAG, and there will be one DAG on the UK side (still pending). ·The EU DAG is a body independent from the...

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  • 4 JUNE 2021
    Nuts, dried fruit, fibre, antioxidants and EU nutrition and health claims regulations

    There are two important nutritional attributes common to nuts and dried fruit that have a great deal in common when it comes to the EU nutrition and health claims regulations (NHCRi ). Surprising as it may seem, they are non-other than fibre and antioxidants! Both are limited by what we can say about them, despite being significant aspects of nutritional health and wellbeing. The reason for this limitation...

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  • 18 MAY 2021
    Really Easy Figgy Cake, a sweet indulgence that’s also good for you!

    Each 107g portion is high in fibre, vitamin E, phosphorus and manganese; and also a source of vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B12, biotin, copper and selenium. For the full nutritional content for this recipe, see attached: Figgy cake extract Really Easy Figgy CakeIngredients for 8...

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  • 8 MARCH 2021
    Nuts and dried fruit - which is their potential to contribute to normal immune function?

    Which is the role of nuts and dried fruit in terms of their potential to contribute to normal immune function? Here is a short article, written for Frucom members by the nutritionist Jennette Higgs, around the topic of immunity and diet. It provides some accurate and helpful nutrition and health information in the context of nuts and dried fruit and explains how to avoid misleading or overstating...

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  • 15 FEBRUARY 2021
    A recipe highlighting FRUCOM products' health benefits: Hazelnut Raisin Topper Recipe

    his recipe, developed by Jennette Higgs from FoodtoFit, illustrates the combined nutrition and health benefits of hazelnuts and raisins. Combining raisins with hazelnuts adds a complementary sweetness. This Hazelnut Raisin Topper is a natural, easy to make nutritional supplement that can be positioned as a useful, nutrient boost to many diets/meals/snacks. Being a simple and short recipe with no cooking,...

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  • 1 FEBRUARY 2021
    Baking Europe publication on the benefits of dried fruit, nuts and peanuts


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  • 12 MAY 2020
    Benefits of consuming nuts and dried fruit

    FRUCOM asked Jennette Higgs, Registered Nutritionist and Dietitian from Food To Fit Ltd., to produce a summary of scientific literature describing nutrition benefits of consuming nuts and dried fruit. Link to the document: A brief overview on the...

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  • 8 APRIL 2020
    COVID-19: Communications and measures from the EU institutions to tackle the con...

    The European Commission published several communications in order to tackle the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe. Please see the communications below: Communication from the Commission about border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability...

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