Decision postponed on New Genomic Techniques - Council failed to reach an agreement on a common position

5 JULY 2024

The European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA) have released a statement on the outcome of negotiations within the Council on the European Commission’s proposal on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).

The Ambassadors of the Permanent Representation of the Member States to the EU (COREPER 1) have not come to an agreement on a negotiation mandate for this proposal. Despite all the efforts of the Belgian negotiators to initiate trilogues on NGTs with the European Parliament, the firm positions of certain Member States would have prevented reaching a conclusion under this Presidency of the Council.

COPA-COGECA further describes this outcome as putting European farmers at a competitive disadvantage in comparison to those operating in third countries.

Contact: João Pereira at