EU-Türkiye High-Level Dialogue on Trade

19 JULY 2024

The European Union and Türkiye held the first meeting on a High-Level Dialogue on Trade on 8 July, with the EU represented by Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis and Türkiye represented by its Minister of Trade, Ömer Bolat. This High-level Dialogue on Trade was organised to focus on addressing the remaining bilateral trade irritants.

There was also a dedicated bilateral trade working group co-chaired by Sabine Weyand, the EU Commission’s Director General for Trade and Mustafa Tuzcu, the Deputy Trade Minister of Türkiye, where the two sides discussed ways to resolve additional priority barriers.

Other areas of cooperation discussed were issues affecting the Customs Union, such as the green transition, notably CBAM, digital trade and trade defence.

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Contact: Lebo Mofolo,