Nutrient profiles: EFSA's new public consultation

23 NOVEMBER 2021

On November 15th , EFSA launched a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on harmonised mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling, nutrient profiles and health claims on foods.

The opinion also includes scientific considerations regarding food groups whose consumption is encouraged by dietary guidelines in Member States. Among these groups,  are starchy foods, fruits and vegetables, legumes and pulses, fat-reduced milk and dairy, meat and meat products, nuts and seeds, fish and shellfish. On the other side, the consumption of food products high in saturated fats, sugars and/or sodium is discouraged.

Regarding nutrient profiles, specific nutrients and non-nutrients may be included to increase the consumption of certain food. For example, omega-3s may be included in nutrient profiling models to encourage fatty fish consumption in line with their dietary recommendations.

The consultation will run until January 9th and its aim is gathering scientific input from other experts, institutional partners and stakeholders. EFSA will then finalise its scientific opinion in early 2022. The Commission intends to propose new legislation at the end of 2022.

Further information can be found here.
